Krijg financiële planning en analyse volledig onder de knie om controle te krijgen over je bedrijfsprestaties

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Stimuleer nauwkeurigheid en wendbaarheid met intelligente, collaboratieve budgettering en planning

Transform your organization’s financial planning and analysis process with Prophix One.

Automatically distribute your budgets, monitor progress via integrated workflows, track data inputs, and watch your numbers automatically consolidate up.

Increase forecast speed and accuracy with Predictive Forecasting that lets you easily carry out quarterly and rolling forecasts.

Make data-driven decisions with precision and confidence across every facet of your financial planning and analysis process. With advanced capabilities like scenario planning, driver-based planning, top-down spreads, and rule-based allocations, you can achieve unparalleled control and confidence.

Engineered for speed and performance to drive agility in your planning processes

Bring together cross functional planning like never before with all new Integrated Business Planning powered by in-memory cube technology, making complex modelling and data volumes a breeze.

Adapt to ever-growing demands and better integrate the office of the CFO with advanced operational planning like resource planning, supply and demand planning, production planning, inventory planning, long-range planning and more.

Take control of your operations with integrated financial planning that combines sales and operating plans to produce automated cash flow projections.

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Leg concrete inzichten vast via dynamische rapportage en analyses

Seamlessly combine actuals with budgets and forecasts to enhance your reporting, variance analysis, and trend insights. Easily create and share insightful financial reports and dashboards, from basic financial statements to intricate multi-entity reporting with streamlined consolidation and robust currency management.

With AI-driven insights and self-service analytics, you can make on-the-fly decisions, track performance, and drill into variances to uncover root causes. Make confident business decisions by visualizing your company’s overall financial health and analyzing the latest trajectories with personalized, real-time dashboards.

Maximaliseer het beheer van je bedrijfsprestaties met veilige, gecentraliseerde gegevens

Bring together your ERP, HRIS, or CRM systems on a single platform for one source of truth so you can confidently build business strategy, identify new revenue opportunities and uncover operational risks.

Bespaar tijd in je maandrapportage door rapporten met één druk op de knop te delen en gebruik te maken van gecentraliseerde beveiliging, zodat gebruikers alleen zien wat voor hun ogen is bestemd.

Prophix One’s Financial Planning and Analysis simplifies data collection, versioning, and KPI management. Stay on top of your key sales, operating expenses, working capital, cashflow and other KPIs with centralized scorecards to provide fast and timely insights to your business leaders.

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Streamline financial planning and analysis while improving collaboration

Red and blue cog with check mark

Verminder handmatige processen om de productiviteit, het vertrouwen en de prestaties te verbeteren

Red and blue bulls eye with arrow in the center

Transformeer de nauwkeurigheid van budgettering en planning

Red and blue graphic of a hand pointing to hexagons on a clipboard

Verbeter de samenwerking door middel van consistente en nauwkeurige inzichten

Red and blue graphic of a sheet of paper with lines

Ervaar naadloze data integration met je bronsystemen en andere Prophix-applicaties

Een oplossing voor elke manager

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Chief Financial Officer

Zorg voor duidelijk data om je organisatie sterker te maken en de financiële prestaties te verbeteren.

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Financieel analist

Wees een betrouwbare adviseur met zinvolle inzichten en bereid uw managers voor op de toekomst.

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Algemeen Directeur

Voorspel uw inkomsten en beheer kosten om zowel bedrijfsgroei als flexibiliteit te stimuleren.

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A person working on a laptop with a graph displayed on the screen.

Gemaakt voor financiële managers

Ontdek Prophix One om je volledige potentieel te ontplooien.

Verhoog de nauwkeurigheid van data en de rapportage-efficiëntie, zodat u meer tijd overhoudt voor waardevolle analyses.

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Stroomlijn periodeafsluitingen door handmatige processen te elimineren en terugkerende processen te automatiseren.

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Enable better collaboration and streamline business processes with workflow automation

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Gebruik AI om een beter inzicht te krijgen in uw bedrijf.

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Haal meer uit Excel voor financiële modelvorming en planning en maak inzichtelijke PowerPoint-presentaties.

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Krijg inzicht in je hele bedrijf met geïntegreerde functieoverstijgende bedrijfsplanning.

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Gezamenlijke afstemming van rekeningen voor een slimmere, snellere financiële afsluiting.

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Veelgestelde vragen

Prophix One Data Integration seamlessly integrates with various business and operational systems to streamline data flow and enhance collaboration across the organization. Leveraging our proprietary API and pre-built connectors, establishing a connection to your databases is secure and simple. Data Integration connects to virtually all on-premise and cloud systems. It also keeps your data encrypted and available 24/7, providing you with the flexibility and scalability needed to synchronize plans with data from across your organization.

Prophix One is well-equipped to assist in tracking and planning capital expenditures. Users can automatically import data from their business systems like ERPs or use flat file imports to create detailed models, allocate resources efficiently, and set up customized calculations to account for asset depreciation, financing costs, and salvage value in Prophix.

Prophix One easily integrates with Excel® to offer users a versatile solution for budgeting and reporting. This gives users the flexibility to contribute to budgets and reporting processes from Prophix One or Excel®. With our capable Excel® add-in, users can get their centralized data imported and exported for budgeting, reporting, and analysis.


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